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Epoxy Jig LuresHow-To: Epoxy Jigs for New England Winter Stripers

How-To: Epoxy Jigs for New England Winter Stripers

We spent 15 minutes on the phone with Hogy Pro-Staffer, Eric Harrison, to discuss jigging for winter striped bass in New England with the Hogy Epoxy Jig Lures. Here's what we learned...  Locati...

Bluefin TunaPro Talk: Deep Water Jigging for Bluefin Tuna

Pro Talk: Deep Water Jigging for Bluefin Tuna

We spent 15 minutes on the phone with Kevin Gould to discuss deep water jigging for Bluefin Tuna off of Chatham, Massachusetts with the Hogy Tuna Rigged Epoxy Jig. Here's what we learned...  Lo...

Epoxy Jig LuresHow-To: Montauk False Albacore Fishing with Epoxy Jigs

How-To: Montauk False Albacore Fishing with Epoxy Jigs

Hogy owner, Capt. Mike Hogan and Hogy Staff visit the famed waters of Montauk, NY to target False Albacore using the Hogy Epoxy Jig Lures for some incredible surface feeding action. Guided by Cap...

Cape CodHow-To: Cape Cod False Albacore Fishing with Epoxy Jigs

How-To: Cape Cod False Albacore Fishing with Epoxy Jigs

We join Eric Harrison for some epic Albie feeding on Cape Cod.  Albies can often be eager to strike lures, but as any Northeast angler will tell you, that’s not always the case. Watch how Eric de...

Bluefin TunaHow To: Rig Jigs for Tuna

How To: Rig Jigs for Tuna

The SI Epoxy Jig has become an extremely popular casting lure for tuna and with a few quick modifications is suitable for casting to large topwater tuna up to 250lbs! Each SI Epoxy Jig comes pre-...

Cape CodHow-To: Cape Cod False Albacore Fishing

How-To: Cape Cod False Albacore Fishing

Watch Hogy owner Mike Hogan use his favorite light tackle casting techniques for false albacore. Lures used: Epoxy Jigs