Shore Fishing: Albies

One of fall’s more anticipated migrations, the false albacore make their presence felt from late September to November. Commonly targeted near coastal jetties, inlets and open stretches of beaches. The most productive shore fishing techniques utilize surface retrieves with Epoxy Jigs™ and small profile Sand Eel Jigs, Peanut Bunker Jigs and Heavy Minnows.

Shore Fishing Albies

1. When Albies are actively feeding on the surface, utilize the “Skippy Retrieve” to accurately imitate fleeing baitfish near the outside edges of the surface feeding area. This naturally erratic action is irresistible to nearby Albies. To execute properly, keep your rod tip at 10’o clock while using a medium speed retrieve, the Epoxy Jig™ should break the surface of the water every 3-4 reel rotations.

2. As a surface feed subsides, the “Low and Slow” retrieve is perfect for searching out individual fish still lurking in the area. Maintaining an 8’o clock rod position, use a slow-medium speed retrieve to work your bait in a naturally swimming motion. This non-erratic action work perfectly with the Sand Eel Jig and Peanut Bunker Metals.


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